ATTW conference Proposals Deadline extended to 10/19/2009! ATTW 2010 13th Annual Conference Synergies: The Intersections of Research and Teaching March 17, 2010 Louisville, KY
Panel: eLearning and Training in the Content Lifecycle Mix: Real Stories from the Front Lines. With Linda Jansak, Margaret Duggan, and Dawn Poulos, iDW. 24 October 2014.
Presentation: DITA and Structured Authoring.Mid-Atlantic Technical Communication Conference and Workshops. 9 March 2013.
Presentation: Your Online Persona. With Adriane Hunt. Mid-Atlantic Technical Communication Conference and Workshops. 9 March 2013.
Paper: The Need For Rules: Determining the Usability of Adding Audio to the MOO. With L Arduser, JM Davis, R Evans, C Hubbell, D Mascle, CJ Ryan. Computers & Composition 28 (1), 57-72: 2011.
Paper: The “Power of a Billion”: Morphology, Metaphor, and Mixture in Indian English. IEEE: 2013 IPCC. Accepted.
Panel: Rhetoric & Technology Roundtable. With J. Gooch, J. Johnson, C. Lambert, C. Ryan. Federation of North Texas Area Universities: 2010 Federation Rhetoric Symposium. 12 February 2010.
Webinar: So you think you want to offshore documentation? STC: 2010 Live Seminar Series. 2010.
Director, Summer Residency; Thesis Writing and Publication Consultant: Antiochian House of Studies. 2000-present.
Sr. Lecturer: EE 5301 & CS 5301. Advanced Technical & Professional Communication (for Engineers). Spring, Summer 2010. Technical & Professional Communication; Writing for the Web. Summer, 2010-2011. UT Dallas.